The Schönberg Music Mediation Award LEARN TO HEAR, initiated by the Arnold Schönberg Center and in cooperation with the Department of Music Education Research, Music Didactics, and Elementary Music Education (IMP) of the mdw-University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, will be awarded for five consecutive years beginning in 2023.

This award-winning concept aims at exploring Arnold Schönberg’s compositional œuvre and interdisciplinary artistic influence as well as the music of the Viennese School and its legacy for contemporary music. The practical realization of the concept will involve a “Listening Session” at the Arnold Schönberg Center. In the presence of the participants, new listening strategies will be introduced in order to promote an understanding of the music of Schönberg, his students, and his artistic heirs and successors. The program is organized around an annually changing theme and for different target groups.

The € 3.000 Schönberg Music Education Award will be awarded to an outstanding submission by a jury (consisting of members from IMP and ASC). The award ceremony will take place at the Arnold Schönberg Center.


The submitted concept should be in a workshop format that can encompass lecture modules, interactive parts, discussions, and music examples. For the first year of the award, the concept is aimed at interested adults, whereby, in terms of inclusivity, no previous knowledge should be/is required. The time frame should be around 90 minutes. The goal is to introduce the participants to the music of Arnold Schönberg in an enjoyable way. The workshop has to be conducted in German.

Who may apply?

Applicants must be either students or graduates (maximum ten years after graduation) of mdw. The submitted concept must have been neither submitted nor realized before.

What are the selection criteria for the award?

• Relevance to the topic and target group
• Originality
• Quality of communication
• Technical foundation
• Practicability

How can one apply?

Applicants must submit the following:

1) the completed submission form (-> DOWNLOAD)

2) a detailed project concept [including (preliminary) project calculation]: The concept should comprise a maximum of 4 pages and include the idea of the workshop. The concept should describe the process in which the main musical ideas will be conveyed, with a particular focus on how workshop participants will be actively involved. The calculation (incl. technical requirements) should additionally comprise a maximum of 1 page.

3) a CV

How does the selection process work?

Please send the completed submission form, project concept, and CV electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than October 2, 2023. The jury will select a winning project by October 20, 2023. The announcement will be made on October 23, 2023.

Applicants will have the opportunity to learn about research possibilities on the subject matter during an information session at the Arnold Schönberg Center (Friday, June 2, and Friday, June 30, 10 a.m.). Register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Funding is provided by the Arnold Schönberg Center Educational Endowment.

Initiative, idea, and concept: Therese Muxeneder (Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna)

Project lead mdw: Axel Petri-Preis (IMP)